
Fear: How in hell are we going to talk to her?

Relief: Oh, it’s okay she’s not seen us.

Humour: ha she never sees us!

Tragedy: Yeah H’s right, we‘re pathetic.

Humour: Maybe you are, me and Em are just misunderstood hehe.

Fear: No no we’re just easily spooked - especially at intense situations like this.

Tragedy: I agree! Remember all, there’s a lot riding on this moment. If she speaks to Em, it not only validated that she exists but it means she doesn’t look right through her like everyone else.

Irrationality: hey guys, let me just quickly remind you that Em is just going to get overwhelmed, pee herself and be the laughing stock of the school.

Humour: HA … so true!

Tragedy: Sad but true.

Fear: Wait! Who invited irrationality? Where did he come from? Where’s your better half?

Relief: Will you all relax! At most, Jane’s going to glance in her direction, smile and walk on. But we’ll call that a victory.

Rationality: There you are! I knew if I retraced my steps I’d find you. What we talking about?

Tragedy: Just the inevitability of being ghosted by the girl you adore. Or more likely, yellow swimming with the whole school gesturing with sardonic zeal!

Rationality: Ahhh T, forever the wordsmith. Will you all relax, she’s coming over to Em now with her locker key in hand.

Fear: Oh God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

Humour: Wahaha we’re fucked!

Irrationality: Here comes ALL the waterworks.

Tragedy: Goodbye world…


Jane [pleasant curiosity]: You’re Em right?

Em [nervous]: Er yeah

Jane [gentle sarcasm]: Ha are you sure? You don’t sound too sure.

Em: No, yeah I’m Em.

Jane [relieved]: Great! I’m so glad I found you.

Em [confused]: What? You are?

Jane: Definitely! You’re like REALLY good at French and I need help. I have an assignment next week and I don’t know how to research or write it properly. I only joined a month ago and we did Spanish at my old school so I’m desperate! Can you help?

Em [excited] Yes of course! [pulls back excitement] I mean yeah yeah I can find time. [clears throat]

Jane: You are the best! Meet me in the library after school? Sound okay?

Em: Yes

Jane: Okay here is my number [smiles brightly]

[Em collects the folded note with a quivering hand]

Jane: See you later Em, have a great day.


Relief: Oh my God! Oh my God! Did you just see that? I think my stomach was going to explode.

Fear: [cowers in the corner trembling] is it over?

Irrationality: Yeah, for now, until she uses us to write her assignment. I hate self-entitled users!

Rationality: Shut up you! Look at the facts: she sought Em out, she was pleasant, she gave her lots of compliments and she gave her number out. I’d call that solid evidence she is genuine!

Tragedy: That’s what girls like that do! They lure you in under the guise of genuinely caring and then they pull and pluck your strings to their will.

Humour: [sarcastically] You are all sooooo pessimistic!

Fear: That’s the pot calling the kettle black. You’re always the first to point and laugh just like the rest of the school.

Humour: First off, Em has never been pointed and laughed at, no one barely knows she exists. Secondly, I recognise when people are genuine. I heard it in her giggles and saw it in her smiles. Jane cares and we should give her a chance.

Fear: Do you really think so?

Humour: I know so … and worse case scenario Em’ll just do some homework in the library. [laughs nervously] So, whose with me?

Rationality: This can only end well.

Irrationality: Fine! But I will be the one to say I told you so.

Fear: I’m in, it’s good to do things that scare you.

Tragedy: Okay, at least it can’t be worse than today. Full steam ahead!

Relief: Thankfully we’ll be in our safe space.

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