Write a poem through the eyes of a child, capturing their wonder at a fireworks display.
In the absence of elaborate and highly descriptive language, think how else you can capture an atmosphere of wonder.
Fireworks are Fun! (Written By A Kid)
Today we went to see fireworks
And it was so much fun
I didn’t stop watching the the colors
Until it was all done
My favorite were the popping ones
That exploded first and then
All the little piece
They all exploded again
My little sister cried
She did not like the noise
My parents were so smart
The brought her lots of toys
I’m glad we didn’t bring
Our family dog Dax
He doesn’t like loud noises either
He has panic attacks
But me? I loved them so so much
Especially at the very end
The grand finale lit up the sky
And made me smile and grin
Then it was over and I was sad
But in my heart I knew
That next year we’ll all come back
Then my heart just grew and grew
I love fireworks a super ton
The explosions, the sounds I hear
I know that I will have fun
During this brand New Year!