
"Well, well, look at you, laid out like a sucker who walked into the wrong neighborhood. Vulnerable, exposed. Bet you're wondering how I got this close, huh? Let me tell you, it was a breeze. Getting past your so-called security, slipping in under the radar—it’s what I do. I can get in anywhere, anytime. And now, here you are, completely in my hands. You could try to fight, scream for help, but you and I both know it wouldn't do a damn thing. How does it feel, knowing you're trapped with no way out? It’s almost poetic. You really thought you could get away from this? From me? How naive."

"But here’s the kicker—you knew I was coming, didn’t you? You’ve been expecting me, playing the part of the scared little lamb. But it was all an act, wasn’t it? You knew I’d show up, and you were ready for me. That’s why I’m in this mess now, isn’t it? Caught in your little setup, like a rat in a trap. I gotta hand it to you, that was smart—really smart. You turned the tables, and now I’m the one who can’t move, who can’t get out. The hunter becomes the hunted—it’s like something out of a damn movie. I’d love to say this isn’t over, that I still got a card up my sleeve, but who are we kidding here?"

"But there’s more to this story, isn’t there? Something you’ve known all along. Why am I still standing here, talking instead of finishing the job? It’s because I can’t. You already won. The moment you flipped the script, the moment you decided to fight back—you killed me.

Yeah, that’s right. That moment you took control, when you turned the tables and made me the patsy. Now, I’m nothing but a shadow of what I once was, a ghost haunting my own failure. I can’t touch you, can’t hurt you, can’t take a thing from you. I’m powerless.

It’s almost laughable, right? All the power I thought I had, gone in a flash because of you. And now, I’m stuck in this loop, reliving my downfall over and over, knowing I’ll never change a thing. You won, and now, I’m just a washed-up reminder of a threat that’s long gone."

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