Your character is going to recieve some huge news. Write a story with clear foreshadowing in the lead-up to the pivotal reveal.
Plan ahead! Foreshadowing may allow your readers to guess what might be about to happen, or to look back and see clues they missed along the way.
I was shaking in my boots with nervousness, I glanced at the calendar marked with a big red circle. It was coming up in two days. So close I could almost taste it. My mom keeps asking me about, popping in every other moment see if there were any changes. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for my life to change, but I would be devastated if it was anything else. My alarm sounded though I had already been awake for a few hours, it was time for school even though I wanted to stay home and wait. I knew even if I stayed home that nothing would change and I would just be wallowing in anxiety but I couldn’t just ignore it. I ended up heading to school anyways, taking the long way hoping it would clear my head.
I arrived at school, just in time, but the excitement from the past few days made me forget I even had a pretty important test today. I nearly hit my head on my desk in exasperation causing everyone to look my way.
“Is there something you would like to share with the class Miss Wheatley?” The professor asks, narrowing their eyes at me as all the other students’ eyes pierced holes into me.
“N-no Mr. Brooks, I was just tired from uh studying all night uh for the test.” I replied, eyes darting back and forth, avoiding my professor’s eyes.
“Well then, phones to the front of the class, notes away and pencils out. I will now be passing out the test.” The groans of the students nearly drowned out Mr Brooks’ instructions.
On my way up to the desk to hand off my phone, a notification flashes across the screen. It said “urgent” from my mom. I was nearly jumping for joy, my instincts and body fighting to keep me from my screams of delight. A small cheer did manage to escape, resulting in multiple pairs of eyes.
“That excited for the test, are you?” Came a nearby angry whisper from a fellow student as their shoulder brushed mine walking back to the desk.
I was jittery in seat, unable to contain my excitement. I answered the test, barely even looking to see if I got the answers right, I handed it in as fast as I could, nearly flying out of the classroom once I was finished. I raced home, taking the shortest route possible, people dodging me as I ran past, staring at the girl with her hair whipped back, a nearly crazed look in her eye. The door slammed open as I walked into the house. “Mom! Is it here?” I nearly screamed, looking from room to room for my mom, but she was nowhere to be seen. “Mom?” I was confused, didn’t she mean for me to come home as soon as possible with that message. I kept looking until a bright note on the fridge caught my eye.
“Dear daughter,
We know you have been extremely excited for your moment, and we are too, but a sudden assignment has called us away for awhile and we aren’t sure when we will come back. We would have loved to witness it with you but couldn’t so there’s a gift waiting for you in your favourite spot. If there is an emergency, call your uncle Sarkov, he’ll come by to help you. We are sad to miss your big day but this assignment couldn’t be delayed.
Mom and Dad”
I read that note, once, twice, three times as my legs gave out from under me and I nearly tore the note in half. They knew, they knew it would be my big day but they left. Again. Like all those other times, on my birthday, on being your parent to school day, parent teacher conferences. They always left right before some important event and they always told me to call an uncle or aunt, but never the same one. The first time I did, I was cursed out and yelled at for disturbing her manicure, never again, I vowed. I would get through this alone, even if it meant enduring the pain and changes that would come about. I am strong and independent. I can make it through this.