
I approached the crash site with caution, wondering what our enemies were doing so far into our lands. Would this be the start of a war? The state the airship was in made it highly unlikely that there were any survivors. I had my orders if there were however, if they were dying leave them to die and if I was able, bring in someone for questioning. Taking a deep breath I stepped in the wreck. Shining my light around the dim space i instantly saw that at least half of the crew had died. Bodies were strewn about and blood covered the floor. Steeling myself, I moved further in. When I stepped into the control room of the ship I began to hear harsh breathing. Someone was alive.

“Where are you?” I called.

A sharp breath, “Here. Please come, help.”

I shone the light in the direction the voice came from a saw a young man, perhaps a few years older than me lying on the floor badly wounded. Remembering my orders, I turned to walk away.

“Please, please don’t leave.” He begged.

“Give me one good reason that I should stay.”

He shifted, trying to turn to me but was stopped by a harsh coughing fit, blood spattering his lips.

“I-I know I shouldn’t ask anything from you.” A tear raced down his cheek, “I don’t want to die alone.”

My defences crumbled and I knelt next to him.

“It’s okay,” I attempted to be soothing, “I won’t leave.”

His eyes slipped shut, “Thank you.”

I sat in silence for a time until he moved again, face twisting in pain.

“Hurt’s. It hurts.”

I battled with myself, I knew I could not only end this but also save him. I hated these thoughts because he was the enemy, but right now he was scared and In pain and looked far too young to be caught in the endless fighting between the nations.

Finally decided, I placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m going to heal you, I’m going to take away the pain.” I said quietly.

He flinched, “Y-you can’t. You might be exiled from your people.” He struggled to draw in a breath, “I’m not just one of the crew, I’m their prince.”

I recoiled, standing up and turning away how could I help the enemy prince. My people would despise me. But how could I leave, he was willing to giving up his only chance to not die alone and in pain.

I looked back at the prince, he lay curled on his side a hand pressed to his chest. He was shaking in pain tears falling silently. He made no noise, no motion to call me back, even in suffering.

I knelt back down, placing a hand on his shoulder again.

“It’s okay,” I murmured, “I understand the risk.”

I began pouring magic into him.

“Thank you, thank you.” He whispered.

I knew my magic was painful when I healed and I hated that to ease his pain I had to cause more.

He bit his lip, drawing blood, attempting to stifle any sounds of pain. Even with my assistance I could see him growing weaker, I was going to slow. I poured more magic into healing him, wincing as he jerked in pain.

“It’s okay, it’s going to get better, it’s okay.”

He stifled a sob, “Please. I-I can’t.”

“I’m sorry it hurts so much. But you can, you are strong enough to pull through this.”

He nodded, fresh determination in his eyes.

The gruelling process continued, exhausting both of us. I desperately hoped that I was strong enough to finish what I had started.

The prince's suffering seemed unbearable, but I refused to give up on him.

He continued to try and stay silent, even while shaking from the pain.

Finally I snapped, “You don’t have to remain so perfectly silent, you are in pain, I know. No one would blame you if you were screaming now.”

He seemed to take that as permission to break, sobs breaking free.

“It hurts,” He whimpered, “Just hurts. I’m sorry.”

After what seemed like forever, I had done what I could. If all went well the magic still swirling around him would finish healing him.

“Forgive my manners.” He laughed softly, “I don’t know your name. I am Ashe, prince of the lower kingdom.”

I relaxed slightly, “Lorelei, knight and protector of the kingdom of the sea.”

“How long before the rest of your company wonder where you are?” He tried to sit up and then flopped back down with a pained groan.

“Easy, easy.” I soothed, “You’re still healing.”

Ashe had a hand pressed to his newly mended ribs, face twisted in pain as he forced himself into a sitting position “You should go.” He ground out, “Before it becomes dangerous for you. Thanks to your healing I will be fine now.”

I reached out and gently squeezed his shoulder, “I’m not leaving. I started this thing and I plan to see it through. I’m going to make sure you live.”

“It’s not safe, you could be branded a traitor.”

“You nearly died, please stop trying to think of everyone else.”

He started to tremble, “M-my whole crew, they’re all dead aren’t they.”

I nodded, “I’m so sorry.”

He ducked his head, shoulders shaking as he cried.

I sat silently next to him a hand on his shoulder, sharing in his grief.

“What happens now?” He look at me with wide, tear filed eyes.

“We find you something to eat and a place to stay.”

“And then?”

“We live.”

“I don’t want to go home.” Ashe whispered.

“Then you don’t, that’s not your home anymore. You’ll have a new one.”

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