‘It is easier to tell someone the truth when you can't see their face.'

Write a poem inspired by, or beginning with, this line.

Of Deceit And Truth.

The moon shining bright tonight, guiding the way to every creature and being in the darkness — A crisp breeze caressing the leaves, and the branches of the trees of an ancient forest.

Silent bare feet walking upon a smooth black and white — the white lines streaked the black marble like a fierce bolt of lightning in the nighttime. And the silent feet continued to caress the smooth black and white marble with every step they took.

‘It is easier to tell someone the truth when you can’t see their face’

A woman — glanced at her dark mirror — The mirror is black-coloured — oval and baroque designed.

She murmured a few incomprehensible words to the dark mirror. A thick grey and blackish fog appeared in the mirror-glass. Then it showed her what she wanted.

In a flash, she heard something, she whipped her head to see who is behind her — it was a tall man. Standing 6’1 tall.

He is paler than the moon – raven and wavy shoulder-length hair that descends on his shoulders like an ebony river — cold slate eyes that seem to pierce her very core. He wore long gothic leather jacket – grey gothic vest and black velvet gothic pants and a Kriss ancient dagger in his cold hand. She gasped as she looked at him. She didn’t like him in the slightest.

“Ello, little miss,” He greeted her. His tone is anything but welcoming and sweet.

“What do you want?” She asked coldly.

He licked his pearly teeth “Is that a way to greet your guests?”

“Enough games,” She admonished. “What do you want?”

“Beauty is one of your traits and so is perceptiveness.” He chuckled at her.

She looked at him; she narrowed her eyes at him. And then it strucked her, He is the architect of her pain and suffering, The reason that her father is dead.

She looked at him with her hard oslo eyes. “You will pay for this.” She growled.

He made a hand gesture mocking her “Many have said the same yet they didn’t live to make it.”

“Oh, But they aren’t me.” She growled once again, bearing her teeth at him.

Her hand glows with black glow, She lunged at him, trying to kill him. He chuckled at her, he raised a finger and she was sent flying, her back colliding with the hard wall.

He looked at her with a sinister smile. “It’s easier to tell someone the truth when you can’t see their face” His mocking voice echoed in the place.

He surveyed her with his slate-cold eyes.

As he stood there, a dense cloud of black smoke suddenly surrounded his body, enveloping him completely. In a matter of seconds, the smoke dissipated, leaving behind no trace of the man. It was as though he had vanished into thin air.

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