Inspired by EnglihGirl112

She was the most adored girl in the room; all eyes were fixed on her as she waltzed elegantly across the floor. Little did they know the dark secret she was hiding...

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The Murderer

Beatrice wished she didn’t have to kill the king. She truly didn’t want to, but of course she had to. That night the king was inviting every maiden in town to attend a ball, where he would choose his queen. His name was King Charming II. He was following the tradition of his father, who hosted a similar ball and married Cinderella. The truth was, he was a complete tyrant, and treated the townspeople very unfairly, starving them, and plotting against them. All King Charming II cared about was money and was even planning to sell his kingdom to the enemy for a large amount of it. He was using some kind of sorcery to possess them, so naturally everyone loved him. Since Beatrice was the only one who could fight back against the hypnosis, she had to stop his reign. There was quite a buzz about the ball, and people wouldn’t stop talking about it. Beatrice knew everyone had gone to the ends of the earth to look their prettiest, but she had to look more gorgeous than all of them. Her plan was to be chosen as queen, than when she was alone with the king, to kill him. Beatrice did a fabulous messy, but stunning bun on the top of her head with her sandy blonde hair. After glancing at her mirror, Beatrice raided her closet, first taking out the dresses and throwing the ugly ones across her room. She selected a lavender empire-cut, strapless gown and slipped it on gently. Taking another look at the mirror, she almost didn’t recognize herself. The dress looked incredible on her, and the lavender went perfectly with her skin tone. After applying eye-shadow, she strode confidently to the castle. She was the most adored girl in the ball room, and all eyes were fixed on her as she waltzed elegantly across the floor. Beatrice even saw the king himself gaping at her. After writing down her name, she danced for a while, once with the king. The whole time his eyes were locked permanently on her.

A week later the letters had come and Beatrice was glad to find out that she was the new queen. It was time to save her kingdom. She was welcomed into the fancy castle, which stretched far and wide with rooms upon rooms of vintage and expensive items. The con however, was that the whole time Beatrice had to experience the king’s tyranny. When they were alone one night, she pulled out her knife, ready for the kill, but right before she assassinated King Charming II, he jolted up in bed. He seemed out of the trance he had been in during the ball and during the other parts of Beatrice’s stay. “I’m not controlling my citizens! It’s her, her ghost, she’s controlling me!” Please don’t kill me...” he cried desperately. “Who’s controlling you?” Beatrice asked warily. “Cinderella!” was the croaky reply. After using her handy tool, truth serum, Beatrice decided she had a new target...

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