Ouroboros/the snake that bites it’s tail

Write a poem that finishes at the beginning.

You Are Not Alone

Shut the church doors

Put on your gloves

Close the cafes

The clock strikes 5

They bellow: YOU ARE NOT ALONE

Don’t cough

How rude!

Tick tick tick tock

No time for bullshit

Stop your commute

You silly fool

Don’t visit your grandad!

Stay away, stay away!

Laugh at the panic buyers

Panic buy.

Halt the service sector

It’s not that important anyway

The clock strikes 5

They bellow: YOU ARE NOT ALONE

Is your journey essential?

Are you essential?

We won’t be like italy

You’ve lost your job

Tick tock

We are not America

stop the schools

Stop the cleaners

Our beast

Our greed,

Did you know it can be paused!


A COVID Community

No footsteps

No planes

Is this a message

Is it a dream?

The clock strikes 5

They bellow: YOU ARE NOT ALONE


Stiffen your lip

Log onto zoom let’s do a quiz

You can still buy fizz

still shop in Marks and Sparks

People are kinder

And there’s less

Less noise

Less stress

A message pops up


We’re decreasing your interest

The clock strikes 5

They bellow: YOU ARE NOT ALONE

Skeleton workers

Stop going to the parks

You irresponsible parent of 3!

One in one out!

Our lovely British police

They can stop you now

While munching through your tins

Keep clapping for the NHS

Beans, tuna, tomatoes

Any spare?

Tick tick tick tock

The prime ministers got it

The clock strikes 5

They bellow: YOU ARE NOT ALONE

He looks tired

manages to crack a joke

It’s still a novelty

It’s Corporate socialism

Don’t let your staff go

We’ll pay them

Tick tock

April showers have arrived

We get to be contemplative now

behind the pages of a book

We forgot to mention

Not now

for goodness sake

We didn’t say we could pay them now


I can hear the birds

I can feel the trees breathing

Some people’s homes

Are in their head

Some homes are prisons

Not designed for isolation

The clock strikes 5

They bellow: YOU ARE NOT ALONE

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