Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
The Storm’s Fading.
Her boyfriend has always been a bit of an… anarchist, some might say. The police call him an anti-social criminal, but he prefers anarchist. Protests, riots, stealing from big corporations, whatever he can do to tick off the police and any other government agency he can get his hands on. Of course, acting this way has a few… _consequences_. One of which is being hunted constantly by police.
“Didn’t know stealing was illegal, officer,” he’d say smugly everytime they caught him, and every time, she would swoop in to help him away. Her true name is unknown, but she is known by many. To some, she is a hero, someone who protects the innocent, to others, she is an overzealous vigilante getting in the way of police work. The second option tends to be popular among police, so she is also wanted too. God knows what for. Her criminal record seems to extend every time it is read out.
But most people call her Tempest. A gorgeous woman with the powers of the wind. Nobody knows her true identity. Renna Gale. Ordinary woman with an ordinary job and an overall ordinary life alongside her gorgeous boyfriend, Finn Kennedy. A very basic name for a very complicated man. The man who Tempest just so happens to drag away from police every day.
Of course, Finn doesn’t know this. God knows how he would react if he found out his bog-standard girlfriend was actually a crazy-cool superhero. She keeps her identity to herself and she’s fine with that. Her boyfriend just so happens to be saved by a superhero every time he’s in trouble. Naturally, he’s curious of why this superhero has such a special interest in him, but he isn’t very bright. He usually just shrugs it off and goes on with his day. It’s good for both of them.
But Tempest doesn’t always get there in time.
Two riots have broken out at the same time, and Finn is in one of them, but she can’t find him anywhere. She wracks her brain, trying to remember where he should be, but she can’t find it. Weighing her options, she decides to just deal with both riots at the same time, swooping from fight to fight to break them up and put the city back to normal.
Ten minutes of this, ten whole minutes, and she still hasn’t found Finn. Oh god, this is bad. She feels her palms starting to sweat, her flight becoming unsteady. Usually he’s right at the centre of these things, but she hasn’t seen him once. Not a glimpse of his bright orange hair or those chunky platform boots that he insists on wearing everywhere. No sign of him.
Has he already been arrested? Is he hurt? Is he in a fight? The questions run through her mind, throwing themselves at her like a hurricane throws debris, sirens going off in her head as her eyes skim through the crowd for anyone who looks like Finn.
Then she spots it. That carrot coloured hair. He’s in an alleyway just past the riots, talking to someone. Talking to someone…
Tempest lowers herself closer to the alleyway, trying to get a better look at the person with Finn. Blue shirt, black pants, funny hat. Oh wait, that’s a police officer. Oh no.
Just as she goes to swoop in and grab Finn, the police officer unholsters his gun, and…
**_BANG! _**
The officer sprints away before anyone can see his face, leaving Finn slumping against the wall.
_No. No, no, no. _Freezing in the air, she stares at the scene before her. _I need to help. I need to save him. _She thinks, hands trembling as she falls out the air and sprints over to him, pushing through the crowd of people, all of them unaware of what is going on just beside them. Ignorant people.
Clammy and cold with shock, Tempest finally makes it to her boyfriend, seeing his sunset head droop into his chest, a pale, freckled hand coming to cover the blood dripping from his stomach. She falls to her knees beside him, scooping him into her chest.
Blood trickles down his shirt, staining his white tank top red. His perfect skin pales to the same ivory as his teeth, becoming clammy as he starts to writhe around in pain.
Hazy and pained, his eyes drift up to Tempest, a tiny little smile painting his face. “You’re a bit late this time, super,” he mumbles, voice strained but still sarcastic. He always manages to make the worst situations positive. It’s something Renna always loved about him.
“I know I’m late,” she pants, holding pressure on the wound. “I’ll get you help. I promise.”
She considers flying away to find an ambulance, but he would surely bleed out alone if she did. He doesn’t have much time left, she knows that much.
He winces in pain, as if he can read her mind and understands his dire circumstances, and whispers, “I want… I want my girlfriend. I wanna see her face one more time.”
Tears well in her eyes as he asks for her. But not really her. He’s asking for Renna. Renna isn’t here right now, and it’s not like she can reveal her identity…
But she can. He’s dying. He won’t tell anyone.
“She’s right here, Finn. I’m right here,” she murmurs, voice trembling as she peels off her mask and rests her forehead against his. “I’m right here. You aren’t alone.”
Shocked, his eyes widen, glossing over each of Renna’s features in disbelief. “R-Renna… Renna I’m sorry. I don’t wanna leave you alone, but…” He trailed off, losing strength by the second.
“I know, baby, I know.” Tears start streaming down her face as she kisses him softly on the lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here in time. I couldn’t find you. I wasn’t… I wasn’t fast enough.”
Limp and covered in his own blood, Finn’s hand reaches up shakily to cup her cheek. “It isn’t your fault. Just… stay with me.” He leans up for another kiss, this one softer as he continues to lose strength.
Cold, wet tears start barrelling down her face. “I don’t want you to go. It isn’t fair. I should’ve been faster, I should’ve- I should’ve—“
He shuts her up with another kiss, a single tear falling towards his ear. “It’s ok, Ren. It’s ok. It isn’t your fault. Don’t cry.” His hand wraps around her arm. “Be strong for me, ‘kay? You gotta die sometime. I’m just leaving earlier than most.”
Slowly, his eyes start to shut. “I’ll see you later, baby. I love you,” he murmurs weakly before his eyes completely shut.
Squeezing him against her chest, she sobs into his hair. “I love you too. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”