The Mission

He wasn’t sure why he was still alive, or how for that matter. It’s not like he was any good at this hero thing. But, considering how he wouldn’t live for much longer, it wasn’t worth pondering over it. 

He ducked quickly, just barely dodging an attack from his opponent. She kicked out, hitting his shin hard. This was how the entire fight had gone so far. He would dodge, just to get hit immediately afterward. He knew he had to step up his game if he wanted to get at least a chance. Another hit to his leg. There was a loud bang behind her and she was distracted for nothing more than a second, but it was enough. He lashed out and managed to kick out her legs from under her. She grabbed him and they both fell to the ground. He swiftly rolled away from her to dodge another attack aimed at his chest. They both got up. This time he was the first to launch an attack, which she dodged easily. 

“Why won’t you just give up!” She screamed at him, sounding almost desperate. He smirked at her, even though he wasn’t quite so sure about the answer. She kicked out and he quickly sidestepped. 

This time, he was prepared for the second attack, blocking the blow to his head with his forearm. 

About five minutes later, he was sitting against a wall with a gun pointed at his head. His breathing was labored, his muscles already aching from the fight. And although he knew it was probably about time for him to die, considering he escaped death a few times too many already, he hadn’t realized how painful this moment would be. He hadn’t expected it would be her. The person he would sacrifice everything for. He looked up at her, feeling the urge to say something. To, somehow, let her know who he was. 

“I have to say, you lasted longer than I gave you credit for,” she smirked at him, “but everything has to come to an end.” 

She walked up towards him, squatting down. He said nothing, he couldn’t. 

“Before I kill you, you don’t mind if I take that mask off, do you?” She looked him in the eyes. He knew what would happen if she took it off. He could not let that happen. He could not allow her to go through with this. But then again, was there really anything he could do about it? She put the gun between her teeth and reached towards his mask and he grabbed her hands with the little strength he had left. He shook his head, but it didn’t matter. She pulled her hands loose and pulled his mask off his head. He looked down, trying with his last effort to stop her from seeing who he was. She stood back up and walked back to her original spot. 

When he looked back up, showing her after all this time, she slightly lowered her gun. His hearth stammered. His breathing was still fast from the fight, and he looked her in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. 

“I know this doesn’t change anything, please know that I forgive you, you did what had to be done.” He said, not looking away. She stammered, taking a step backward. He felt her shock and her pain. 

“Go on, complete your mission, my love.” 

Tears started forming in her eyes, “No, no, no, it shouldn’t be you” she uttered. He softly smiled, “It’s okay”. Because it was, because he knew it would end this way, however painful that thought may be. His heart had calmed down now. 

She sobbed but raised her gun back up. 

“I’m sorry, I will find you again.”

And that was the last thing he heard from her before the shot went off and his world turned dark. But her fingers hadn’t moved yet. She had not pulled the trigger.

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