Submitted by Emotional Goblin.

A simple game of hide and seek becomes much more horrific when a kidnapper joins the game.

How will your characters uncover what's happening, and face the situation?

Hide And Seek

“Who wanna play hide and seek?” The literacy teacher asked loudly so everyone can hear her, as kindergartners, we screamed to express our excitement. Once we got out of the building and in to the playground, we immediately scattered around and hide everywhere, we watched and waited until the teacher count to zero.

“Three, two, one, zero! Ah let’s see where had you guys been hiding?” The teacher said playfully, some of us can’t hold it and let out small giggles. The teacher found us on by one, we didn’t know before that she was just pretending to not find us, if she tried to for real, we’ll be all caught in a minute.

As only about a half of kindergarteners remain, the cunning teacher said “oh no! It was time for you guys to go, come out everyone”, a few of us believed her ruse and came out resulting them being caught. Fortunately, I have a watch so I didn’t fall for her trick. The teacher seemingly noticed tremors inside her pocket, she picked her phone and had a brief conversation with the one in the other side.

“Come out everyone! There’s a kidnapper coming toward the building, we need to go inside!” The teacher urgently shouted and gestured for everyone to come out, but of course, nobody answered her call for converge. We were deceived into thinking that it was another trick to fool us to expose ourself, but this time it was for real. Stress, anxiety, and pressure tarnished her mind, the one whom was originally capable of easily finding us suddenly couldn’t anymore.

“AAAAAH” one of the hiders screamed across the playground, a man in black cloak had him in his arms. The kid cursed and kicked but the man just won’t loosen his arms. He kidnapped and carried the kid to his car before the teacher could reach them. This incident spread throughout the school, now no teacher bring students out to play hide and seek.

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