Top voted prompt of the week by oddjaqx on Reddit r/WritingPrompts
You’re a seemingly normal, non-religious human being. Death for some reason, desperately wants you off this Earth. Satan however, wants you no where near Hell. Every freak accident meant to kill you, is countered by an even freakier “miracle” to keep you alive.
Why Me?
There’s many people that are alive right now that would rather be off of this earth than on it. Me? I could say that, but the world works against me.
The other night, I was studying. Exams were coming up quick and I was an average student, so I needed the extra revision. I was beginning to get sleepy, I couldn’t sit straight. My body tipped to the right and I could feel myself falling off of my chair. I caught a glimpse of a plug sat upright on the floor, that would definitely impale me if I fell onto it so I hastily tried to pull myself back up.
I failed.
But when I landed, there was no plug. Somehow, it’d been replaced with a pillow and it was now sat comfortably on me desk.
Well, I get the hint that there’s something that still wants me on the earth. But with how clumsy and prone to near death experiences I am, there’s something that doesn’t.
Who am I? Why do I get celestial forces fighting over me? No idea. I‘m your typical average person. I don’t follow religion, I get average grades, haven’t really done anything important in my life but for some reason, I’m destined to stay alive but with the earth trying its damned hardest to kill me.
Whether it be in my own home, or in the streets, I almost die at least twice a day. Yet I’m still alive.
Yesterday, I was heading to the shops to grab some food for my cat, minding my own business. I heard a screech of tires which cause me to look up.
Apparently, a car driving towards me without me realising but before it could get to me, a tree had fallen and blocked its path to me. It was intense, an extremely way at preventing my death on whoever’s part it was, but it kept me alive for another day.
I just want to know why. Why me?