Who are we when no one is watching?
Write a poem that answers this question.
Who are we when no one is watching?
Well, there are multiple answers to this question. Some decide to be their genuine selves. Those people are the ones who include the quiet kids in group projects, even when their teacher isn't there to praise them for it. They're the ones to offer money to someone in public who's short a few bucks, but do the same when nobody’s around to impress. They don't do good deeds for attention, they do it out of empathy. Because deep down they know they've been in that position before, hoping somebody would’ve helped them when they needed it.
On the other hand, there's the people who completely change based on the situation. For instance, college recruiters come to a basketball game. Every player on the court knows that the recruiters don’t only care about skill, but sportsmanship too. They watch each players’ attitude. How they treat their teammates, or how they react over a mistake. The recruiters want to make sure they take the game seriously, but not enough to get frustrated over everything. So the players that usually blame others, and don't respect their coaches, turn into totally different people. They become much more positive and lift eachother up instead of bringing eachother down. Because they know if THEY acted like their genuine selves, they wouldn't get an offer. They hide their true colors until they physically can't any longer.
That's the thing about karma. The people who do the right thing will receive it, but so will the "fakers.” This is because karma can be good or bad. At the end of the day, everybody will get what they deserve once it's too late to change their actions.
Choose to be a good person. Even when making a bad decision feels so much easier, doing the right thing will show better results. One small act or gesture could make somebody's day even better. Even if someone is watching or not.
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