
Everyone had been terribly worried. A witch was supposed to have developed her powers by 11 and I was 13. At first my mother said that we all develop our talents at different times, at twelve she began to get worried I’d already missed the deadline for Hubble-Broom (school for witches) and was currently attending Hubble-high (school for non-magical folk) mother had even began teaching me some of her own spells. At 13 she gave up, rubbing her forehead and groaning.

At this age a witch takes her annual tests, these prove if she is magical or non-magical. Most girls turn out to be witches but the odd few remain normal. We’d both prepared for non-magical results. Mother had bought me a book describing why people with no power were still just as important as witches and what “people of no power” could do with their life. But, I knew everyone was disappointed.

The week after I turned 13 something unexpected happened. It was a normal day I sat crossed legged outside the front, mothers new corn coloured fence casing me inside the little patch of outside garden. I was revising over a book called “100 job and lifestyle ideas for those who do not possess magic.” A glass of lemonade had sat next to my left foot. I’d gently turned the page, slightly wobbling my foot and knocking over the glass of lemonade. It shattered on the concrete path beside me, liquid seeping out from all angles like demented blood. I’d put my head in my hands angry about everything. And that’s when it happened, the fragments of glass began to slowly linger in the air, bumping into each other as they went, creating a tinkling sound. I looked up to find a fixed glass! It was no longer broken nor solid. The material seemed to hum slightly as the pieces of glass settled themselves in to comfortable place!

Mother I screamed, she wobbled out quickly asking what was wrong. I told her to watch me: I kicked over the glass and before mother could fling herself into a rage the pieces of glass began shifting off the ground. We both remained silent until the glass had fully formed. Then mother enveloped me into the biggest hug we both erupted into tears! I can’t believe it I’m finally a witch I made it! Mother shakes me and smiles “I knew you’d be a witch there isn’t one member of this family who isn’t!”

I felt something, the lifting of a heavy feeling! I was a witch and I would go to Hubble-broom pass my annual tests and be successful. I was finally free of the doubt that I would live non-magical for the rest of my life! Mother wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Oh Hannah this is fabulous, just fabulous. I better phone your dad! He’ll be so excited your a witch!”

I smiled at her, excitement coursing through my veins.

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