High Above The City

TW: mentions of God and the devil

We were always told that the Others weren’t safe. That’s why we lived above them, hidden in the clouds, watching from a far distance.

When I say the Others, I of course am talking about Humans. And when I said ‘we were always told’ I mean that we were told by Lucifer, the devil and ruler of other Fallen Angels.

Yes, you heard that right. Lucifer, the devil and cast out of Heaven has his army of Fallen Angels live in the clouds. Not in Hell. It’s our job to watch them and report back to him about our findings: what the Others are doing, how God is corrupting them. Personally, I think God is just misunderstood. When I see Him on Earth watching His creation, I feel a pang of sadness for him as He is kicked out of churches by the very people who say they love him.

After seeing a particular scene of a pastor being rough with the Lord, I leave my perch and fly through the clouds until I catch a flash of wind and it takes me down to Hell.

I shake off the cloud residue and other humanly I’ve collected into the bins at the entrance to the underworld. I let the dogs and horses sniff and bit at me, they don’t bother me anymore and their bits don’t hurt and simply turn into scars. I’m proud of my scars. I’ve got a lot of them: several from disobeying Lucifer, a few from the dogs and horses. A lot from fights with Others at protests and some Fallen Angels who tried to stop me from standing with the Others as they fought the laws that hurt them.

Fallen Angels are supposed to corrupt the Others. Do what they’ve been taught that the Devil does. But I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to truly live above the city, hidden in the clouds. Away from the smell of the underworld, away from the fire.

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