Desert Secrets

The desert held hidden secrets,

Beneath its sands so dry,

A whisper of forgotten winds

That brushed the endless sky.

In dunes of gold and ochre red,

Where sun and shadow play,

The tales of ancient wanderers

In silence gently lay.

Beneath the heat, the scorpions

Would dance in moonlit light,

Guardians of the stories kept

In the solitude of night.

The cactus bloomed in twilight's hush,

A flower soft and rare,

A hint of life in barren lands,

A breath against the air.

And in the stillness, time stood still,

Each grain of sand a key,

Unlocking worlds of dreams and dust

Beyond what eyes can see.

For those who listen to the winds

And feel the earth's embrace,

The desert offers secrets sweet,

A quiet, timeless place.

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