Write a blank verse poem on a topic that's important to you.

Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but has a very strict structure which builds a melody through rhythm. (One way to create this is to structure each line with the same amount of syllables, and the same syllabic stresses, like you might if you were writing the verses of a song.)

I Know It Existed, But Not How It Felt

I know what depression is,

A mind-addled sickness brought

On by broken wings, hobbled.

The same way love turns the

Eyes to rose, it turns the

Eyes bloodshot yellow.

My heart ached so much

Those days, pounded so loudly,

Striking hand held to breast.

Turgid pulse brought with it pain,

Twisted the world,

Inched me closer towards bitter shadows.

Years later, I sit with those memories

And remember everything, but

Can’t place the feeling of a racing heart,

Or a strained soul.

days once crippled

By the brooding fog, harsh to the breakings of light, now lie tainted,

filled with pleasant memories.

May my ignorance be better for it;

Bliss is waiting on the other side.

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