Not Just A Hologram

With a flourish the presenter turned and gestured toward the screen where the demonstration was about to commence. A hushed crowded watched on in anticipation as a middle aged man in a lab coat grabbed a futuristic looking visor off the desk in front of him and placed it over his eyes. Moments later a holographic copy of the man appeared not six feet away. From off to the side another man in a lab coat made an appearance, walking up to the hologram he made a production of waving his hand through it. After seeing the first guy nod as if in approval while simultaneously holding out his arm towards the doppelgänger the second man took up a fighting stance. A heartbeat later the second man launched in a flurry of motion, as the first man clenched his fist and to the delight of all onlookers the hologram met his strikes with solid impacts and caught both of his hands incapacitating the agressor, even as he struggled to regain control of his limbs.

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