Oppose. Decisive. Estuary.

Use these unrelated words in a story of less than 200 words. Consider the plot line you will follow to naturally and unobtrusively include these words.

Trust Fall

Will didn’t oppose the idea of treading the land all day but once they reached the estuary it became clear they were running out of land to tread. His fellow traveler, an older man by the name of Mort wore a decisive look on his face as he felt around the land. Will watched Mort head over to a large pile of rocks. Once there, Mort touched upon them and Will stared on full of regret.

He’d given up everything because he believed the old man’s ramblings but what if everyone was right and he was stuck following a mad man? After touching one particular rock, Mort let out an excited cry.

“What? What did you find?” Will asked.

Mort didn’t reply instead the sound of something rising from the water filled both their ears. Will looked over at the estuary, a large metal building rose from the water. Will’s mouth dropped, staring at the rising building with both terror and fascination.

Once it finished rising, Mort walked over to the building entrance which held a hand scanner to the side of the door.

Scanning his hand, the door opened. Mort looked at Will expectantly.

“Well, are you coming?”

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