Submitted by Jules Lee Petrich

The Anti-Hero

Write about a hero that becomes a villain, thinking that they’re not in the wrong.


I really didn’t mean to do it. Charlie just kept pushing me. And when she wouldn’t leave my stuff alone, that was the last straw. Dad, I promise it’s not my fault!!

I can’t believe how self-absorbed Charlie has been this entire trip. I tried to get her involved with the magic that you hid out here for us, but she just wants to stare at her black mirror. I wonder if that’s all she’s looking for in her phone, just a reflection of herself to stare at.

Anyway, it’s her fault that the door opened. She was the one that tied the binocular strap to the door handle. Yes, I yanked on the strap, but it was just because they are mine! Why couldn’t she just leave my stuff alone??

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