Civics With Boots On

Our civics teacher also led interesting classes. Today was no different.

“Today, class, I’m going to give you a very different sort of assignment,” Mr Lloyd announced

After a lecture on the constitution of the US. “We’re going to protest the unconstitutional acts of the government.”

I was completely floored. I would guess that our teacher must have some grievances of his own to encourage, or rather, require this kind of action.

Turns out, he had chartered a bus to Washington,DC. He had planned this outing for months- even printed out permission slips for our parents to sign. Of course, they were vague and misleading.

Not even the school principal knew the details. Our teacher was going off the reservation, so to speak. We didn’t even know what the protest would entail. Chanting? Signs? I could do that.

My parents signed the slip without reading it. I think they were glad for a weekend to themselves.

I packed a go bag for the trip, making sure I had some masks. I didn’t want to be recognized by security. I stuck some cash in my shoe for emergencies. I brought a charger for my cellphone so I could film the experience.

The bus ride was boring. I was glad when we all

Got out of the vehicle.Mr Lloyd led us in a huddle

And gave us our signs.

“This is a peaceful assembly,” Mr Lloyd said. “ We’re going to march down the boulevard and not block traffic. “ So we began our solemn walk with signs that said a variety of messages Mr Lloyd designed. I didn’t read my sign; I just held it and matched like a robot. Why not? Got us out in the real world.

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