“Your crown is made of the people’s bones and hunger.”
Use this dialogue to set the scene for a short story.
Yo tCrownheis mre ad you bornes and hunger, Now. He saidt o call,  looked mad juste a deal with the devil. All he wanted was to rule a kingdom but now he going to be the god of death as soon as he stepped out of hell he gets transported to his first victim  It an old man that is about to die he yelled up and said he was sorry and that he had a sin in the name if god but no one answers he call of help but the old man heard him say that. The old man jumps up and has a hurt attack but because he did not touch the old man the old man never died but he’s in so much pain so you have to touch him you have to kill him. You wonder why he didn’t die and then you get to your boss‘s layer he screams at you saying you have to touch them. You have to touch them touch them how you kill them but you already knew that because you touch them go back up there kill whoever you need to kill.  it’s cold , you slowly know what to do you’re just scared you don’t want to see anymore you don’t want to do this anymore Either You scream as loud as you can but nobody can hear you you walk up to you get proven to yand dark and it’s so loud you can’t even hear yourself think you walk up to this man that was built to kill this lady so you touch him he dies you saved a lady she thinks you, but then you disappear from her eyeou, Lord you don’t want to, but you will you touch him he dies you start to cry you wanted to kill him, but you didn’t the same time you want to roll with him you pick up the crown and you decide to roll with a iron fist to kill whoever gets in your way of you being the best  most dangerous king ever