
As Ella the witch grabbed onto this potion she’s been waiting for for centuries, suddenly it made her dissolve like a mist in thin air. She was so angry that this happened to her, again! She didn’t die when it happened, just this potion wasn’t the one she was told that she was going to get to help take over the lands with the other witches. She ground her ugly teeth in her mouth thinking about what took place several weeks ago in the town of Stardust. The other witch lady with black choppy hair and brown eyes stared at her asking, “what’s gotten into you today ?” She asked her friend as she could hear her grit her teeth that made her skin crawl. Ella shook her head, “oh it’s just that last week I thought I had that secret potion, but no it made me disappear! I’m so pissed. Thinking of putting up a bounty for that young woman who made it. I was told she was as almost as good at making potions and gold like the great master whom creates things himself. But, my my how I was wrong at that.” Ella said looking at her brown eyed friend easing her brow in question. “I want you to hunt down that traitor and bring her back to me alive!” She huffed angrily at her friend Maybelle.

Maybelle rolled her eyes at this, “you what me to hunt down a girl who gave you a potion that you asked her work for? People make mistakes. So, why don’t you get over it? I know we kill others, but it’s usually bad guys. She’s not a bad person. She’s just learning.” Maybelle said rolling her eyes and walking away from the angry witch. Ella stomped her feet crossing her arms in annoyance.

“She’s a traitor ! She said I could trust her in her potion skills, but she lied and betrayed my trust, by making me feel like death and disappear like one with the mist of the earth.” Ella said raising up her green fist in anger.

Maybelle stopped in her tracks turning around to say, “how old are you again? 12? Come on, just ask for your money back then you will feel better. Go to the great master for your so called potion, I’m tired of hearing you whine.” She waved at her and then walked out of the witches house.

Ella dropped her head staring at the dirty floor, “fine, I’ll hunt her myself then!” She yelled out loud to herself, then decided to grab a favorite book off her bookshelf to read, so she could hopefully calm her crazy mind.

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