City By The Lake


You are as shy as you are mighty

A gust, a gall, a Gorgon

Your mercies swell in summer

And perish with the snow

You carry cool refreshment

And linger on my brow

Yet somehow

My gratitude is all but broadcast

I am writing you this letter

To cleanse my slate of wrongs

To laud the leisure of your pinion

And to admit to missing you

I hear your anger

Bellowing cross Michigan Ave

Clawing up the Willis tower

You charge in from the waters

On the hooves of Huron

Lake Eerie is your javelin

Superior, your shield

The piercing blade of Lake Ontario

Humbles my resolve

And grates my North Face lining

My doubled pocket warmers

Might this letter be an olive branch?

An envoy to your blizzard?

Call away your freezing rain

Your raging polar vortex

Consider me changed, ashamed, contrite

I miss the boisterous way about you

And the love we shared in spring

Yours in heart, ours in spirit,

HM Marie

(Written by HM Violet & her super pal, Marie)

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