Write a story including a character who is determined to avoid discovering their soulmate.

Soulmate theories are a popular writing trope, and with this prompt, they are real.

Match, Set, Game

Kat hated these weekly meetings with the Ministry. Standing in line for an hour, filling out form after form, and only sips of burnt coffee and a nibble of stale donut to keep her occupied on this carousel they implored was for her benefit.

“Katherine Mann,” she grimaced at the sound of her name cooly called. Maybe this time they would take the hint. Quickly gathering her paperwork, bag, and book that she had been able to almost finish, she calmly walked past the lonely hearts club of soulmateless individuals. Most had tears in their eyes and some sobbed through an entire tissue box before she could even write her name.

“I prefer Kat.” The young girl looked up from her clipboard.

“Sorry.” Her little smile, big doe eyes, and perfectly manicured look made Kat want to punch her in the face.

“I prefer to be called Kat, not Katherine.” She adjusted her bag that was slowly making its own escape.

“But the paper says Katherine.” The girl pointed to her clipboard, as though scolding a child who did not know their lessons.

“My mother was Katherine, but I prefer Kat. Simple, easy to spell, and my own.”

“You don’t like your name?” It was as if someone said they hated puppies and chocolate, and her brain couldn’t comprehend what she was being told.

“You know what,” Kat paused for a moment, “never mind what I said. Let’s get this over with.” Trying to let out a smile with a mildly crooked front tooth, made Kat wish it was evening and a drink was in hand.

“Follow me please.” Trotting away in her stilettos got Kat thinking how her mother and her would’ve laughed about the absurdity of what was happening. If she has known how miserable Kat would’ve been since turning 21 almost 9 years along, she never would’ve signed her up for the Ministy’s love connection or what Kat referred to under her breath as fantasy idiots. Each person connected with another through a series of questions and answers, and tests that would make a gynecologist blush.

They made a turn after twist through the halls. Passing door after door with different names and sounds coming from them all. Kat never could remember where she was in this place, and she knew they preferred it that way. The girl checked her clipboard with each turn, only pausing long enough to let a couple pass. Kat caught a glimpse of them. Clothes slightly amiss, hair wildly shaken, and a smile on both of their faces knowing they were not leaving alone today.

“Here we are.” The little blonde held out a keycard and unlocked the door.

“What are we doing today?” Kat entered the room, but it wasn’t like the previous ones she had been in. This one felt different. Cold and dark with just a soft pad in the middle of the room.

“Please take a seat. The test will begin in a few moments.” Carefully the girl closed the door behind her, leaving Kat to wonder what type they would put her through this year. She threw her bag in the corner and took a quick stroll around the room. Other than the lack of furniture, it seemed like all the other rooms. Maybe this was some form of yoga for the mind, but that was a passing fantasy as the door clicked open and in walked a tall, dark man with a….

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