Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

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( A young woman stands in an open field, trees nearly incircling the area within the glowing night. She Stares at the overlay of a burning City she once called home, as the world she came to know begins rapidly crumbling. Through all the screams, her attention is taken by the ring of her phone, alerting her of her friend, Wyatt aproaching. You see all of this, she ask almost calmly. Yeah,crazy isn’t it, he responds quickly. So this is it. You know i actually had a pretty good day to begin with. I wasnt late to class, i ate lunch for once, passed my exam— hell i even went to the gym, she exclaims to the only person she has to talk to as the chaos is slowly approaching all ends of the field. You know, in the end i can’t say any of it mattered—my life i mean. I never figures out a career,never got cheated on—i mean not that i was trying to, but i just wanted to, you know have a triumph story to tell my kids— shit i forgot about marriage. My life really smounted to nothing, she says to the quiet, yet nervios boy raking it all in. Man look at the sky, he says randomly. What—what about the sky, she responds. It’s just, well, the same as always—like even in the chaos , the stars are still shining you know, he says looking up as the sky turns red with the stars glowing bright. Wow, you right. They—the stars look very pretty, she states as the realization slowly calms her down. He looks at her in the damning light noticing her sightly appearence giving the same effect as the stars above. Hey Mia, um i was wondering—actually ive been thinking for a long time—just never got to acting on anything, but with everything happening, i guess that plan is, um—well shot, he says trying to keep composure, searching for the key to what he wishes to speak. Mia turning her attention to Wyatt noticas the fire nearly reaching them. Oh shit, she screams as she jumps closer to Wyatt, grabbing hold of him he begins sweating wondering if it’s because hes holding the girl of his dreams or the fire’s temperature. Wyatt this is it, whatever your gonna say, make it count. We can both go, just be quick with it. Wyatt , now blank in thought continúes staring at Mia, as she stares back wide and confused. Wyatt! Did you hear me? Fine I’ll go first. She closes her eyes trying to collect her self as the heat begins reaching her feet. Look you’ve always—Wyatt cutting her off, Mia Montez, I love you, like lovey dovey love. Mia looking dead at him, with tears falling down her face smiles. Mia’s face leans into Wyatt, as his heart beat faces with anticipation of a farewell kiss, she puts her face on his and states, i love you too, ive always wanted a brother. Wyatt, hearing the Words spoken, still holding his love and source of his heartbreak, falls backward into the fire, ending this short and unreturned love scene

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