“I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes.”

Write a story beginning with this sentence.

One to many

“I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes. Yeah right he said, walking to the bar what you having? Same again?

As I sat at the table watching him, he started talking to these 3 lads in their early 20’s, at first they were all laughing and joking, then all of a sudden they stopped laughing, all except my brother who was laughing even more, I didn’t of them handed him £20 and he came back to out table. When he got back I said what was that all about, ah nothing just a joke he said, It didn’t look like they found it funny I said, Frank said it’s not my problem they have no sense of humour. For the rest of the night, they kept looking over at Frank, it looked like they were discussing something. I told him they were making me uneasy, he just said don’t be soft, even if they wanted to kick off what are a couple of kids going to do against us? Frank is 6’2 and weighs 15 stone, I’m 6’ and weigh 13 stone. Around 10 o’clock the lads came over to us, one of them shook Franks hand laughed and said fair play mate, you pissed me off a-bit at first but a bet is a bet, see you round, then they left the pub. Frank and I had a couple more, then I ordered a taxi and went home, he said he was having one more and he’ll see me tomorrow.

That was the last time I saw by brother alive officer.

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