
It’s not surprising you assemble to debate our demise.

The fact you haven’t gathered sooner on this issue is much to my surprise.

I may not have the answer you seek but I am here to advise,

So hear my words carefully for it is to you I will confide.

Planet earth has been burdened with mankind since he took his first breath.

Since the beginning of time brothers have turned on one another, causing the others death.

They’ve lied, they’ve stolen, they can’t seem to find rest.

Humans have no limitations, their sins we know not their depth.

The planet has deteriorated with such disgrace.

The earth does not recognize itself, it has become such a horrible place.

Even the sun dreads to shine on its blackened face.

Yet humans continue to destruct at a fatal pace.

Mother’s abort the children they carelessly created.

They demand women’s rights when it’s their own self respect that has obviously faded.

They give their bodies away because their confidence has failed them

Keep preaching for your rights honey you aren’t solving the problem.

Men are no longer men, really, where did all the men go?

The closest thing we have left is a chick pumped up with hormones.

Dudes obsessing over themselves because they can proudly call themselves a homo

I’m not judging your lifestyle, but limiting yourself to your sexuality is a no go.

You’re more than that, mother’s and fathers, boys and girls.

So see what you’ve done and take back your world.

Be kind to one another despite how different you are.

If someone offends you, it’s okay, you don’t always have to be so hard.

This world you are in has taught you the wrong things.

It’s good to be different, you can’t all be the same.

I know life is tough but it’s a lot better than it seems.

Stop listening to fools, go out and be free.

See people aren’t the best and they’ve made a lot of mistakes.

But I ask you to reconsider this motion for their sakes.

See the earth was created differently, it’s purpose was to withhold life

And sometimes life doesn’t always go right

But one thing I know about people is that they have the ability to change

Even those who are the most far gone can come back to grace

So I ask you not what have the people done but instead who you are

You are not the creator of these people nor are you the one who gets to decide who they are.

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