Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

So Close But Far Away

Could it be her, Laura saw her down the cereal aisle at the local grocery store in San Francisco California. As they approached each other in front of the Frosted Flakes, Laura realized her assumption was correct. It was April Lanigan from Cherry Blossom Lane, in Chicago Illinois. What were the odds she thought, as she looked her in the eye and said, APRIL, is that really you? April was in disbelief as well and moved her arms toward Laura to give her a hug. Laura asked her what she was doing in California and she exclaimed that she lives on Champlain street in San Francisco. Laura screeched that she lives on Montague street, which is only 4 miles away. What April did not know was that the excitement in Lauras screech was for the possibility that her brother, Kyle was close by as well. Kyle was 2 years older and Laura had the biggest crush on him growing up. The Lanigans lived across the street in Chicago, and Kyle would every now and then come out and play ball, running bases to be exact. It was not all the time, however Laura always waited patiently for that one day that he would grace the group with his presence. He had the most beautiful piercing blue eyes and the curliest blond locks. He was very athletic and was just too cool in Lauras eyes!! To Laura’s pleasant surprise, April informed her that her Sister Suzy and brother were both living closed by also. Naturally the next question from Laura was, how is Kyle doing? April explained that he was well, living with his girlfriend at the apartment complex in town. Laura’s emotions dropped a bit but then realized, she was married so what different did it make!? Laura and April kept in touch and enjoyed catching up. Although due to the age difference in their children, there was not a lot of time to actually get together. After years of Laura enduring a failing marriage, and her children were old enough to be more independent, she finally got up the nerve to leave her marriage. In speaking with April one day, Laura inquired about Kyle and asked how he was doing. Apparently he had broken up with his girlfriend and was still living in the apartment alone. As this was music to Laura’s ears, she texted Kyle on Facebook Messenger. Kyle and Laura communicated for about a year before meeting. There was definitely a connection between the two and they both knew it. Reminiscing about the old neighborhood and people we had both come across in those days. Kyle would text Laura how good she made him feel and Laura was ecstatic, you could say on cloud 9. However this feeling was short lived. Laura would send Kyle texts throughout the days and would receive sporadic responses. Some responses were moody and confused me greatly. April had warned Laura not to have any expectations about her brother because he had many demons from his relationship with his father who drank exclusively. This left Kyle unable to carry on a relationship. This made Laura very sad because there really was a connection between the two but one link was too weak to keep it together.
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