Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
New Start Anxiety
Dear Diary,
I got the job but I need to move to the Midwest. I don’t know anyone there and my closet family members are in the southeastern part of the country. It’s a great opportunity but making new friends at this point in my life doesn’t seem like any fun. Excited about the opportunity, upset about the move.
Dear Diary,
I only have 2 days to accept this job offer. The good news is that I have another offer on the table. It’s local but it pays substantially less. 60k less!! Now I have to do an opportunity map and see what’s best for me.
Dear Diary,
I asked the local company if they would match the offer I had from the Midwest. It was a firm no. I spent way too much time having fun in my younger days and I need to pad my retirement account. I get paid more and the cost of living is cheaper. It turned out to be a no brainer. Guess I’m moving.
Dear Diary,
Tonight was the going away party. I like to think I’m pretty masculine but I cried like a baby in front of the entire party. The girls thought it sweet but my homeboys will never let me live that moment down. The moving company is coming tomorrow to pack up the apartment. FUCK! This is really happening.
Dear Diary,
I arrived today. The apartment is nice. I’m right in the heart of downtown. I’m on the higher floors and the view is amazing. I’m overlooking the river. Nice start so far. Tomorrow is my first day.
Dear Diary,
I think I’m the only black person in the entire company!!! I asked about diversity in the interview. The office is diverse, but I thought I made it clear that diversity meant MORE THAN ONE BLACK PERSON!
They do have a good mix of people. I saw some Asian, a few Spanish people and maybe some middle eastern people. This should be interesting considering they hired from outside the company for an executive level position. They normally hire internally.
Dear Diary,
Second Day……SHIT SHOW! This would normally be reason to meet up with friends and drink! But I don’t know anyone here so I’ll settle for a long run on the river trail behind my building,
Dear Diary,
Sorry it’s been so long. I’m now 3 weeks in….STILL SUCKS! I think they brought me in to
Revamp the department. Meaning, they brought me in to FIRE PEOPLE. That’s why they hired someone from outside the company. These people have been working together for 10+ years. They were too chicken shit to fire their friends. I feel like I’ve been duped.
Dear Diary,
I got invited out tonight. I had to decline because 4 of those people will be getting let go tomorrow. They should have been fired 5 years ago according to what I’m reading in their file.
I’m lonely as hell here and having some friends to hang out with during this tough time would be nice. MORE RUNNING TODAY. Running is starting to be my hobby.
P.S. I keep seeing this amazing woman. I think she lives in my building. We have only given eachother a casual nod in passing. But it’s starting to feel like we know eachother.
Dear Diary,
HORRIBLE DAY! After laying off a total of 12 people and reorganizing the department no one is really talking to me. They are cordial, and work is improving already. But this has been the worst 6 months of my life!! I’m lonely and bored.
P.S. Her name is Lilly. We spoke on the path and she does live in my building. She’s a few years younger than me and she’s an attorney. And….shes single and a transplant like me.
Dear Diary,
We got the department results back. Sales are up, customer satisfaction is up and we’ve saved money through shaving time on shipping products and reducing inventory cost. The team will get the largest bonus they have had in a while. More smiles and less frowns. IM STILL NOT GOING OUT WITH THEM!! They were mean as hell to me.
Dear Diary,
Me and Lilly bumped into each other at a restaurant tonight. It was cool. We decided to dine together. She’s from out west, San Diego. We talked for hours. She has no kids, never been married and has 3 siblings, 2 brothers and a sister. It was cool. We exchanged numbers and walked back to our apartment together.
Dear Diary,
Much better atmosphere today. My secretary left some thank you notes on my desk from the team. Maybe I should accept the olive branch. NOT!!
Dear Diary,
Midwest ain’t so bad. Me and Lilly have been exploring the area together.
Dear Diary,
It’s been a year now. Sorry I have not been writing. I’ve been to busy BEING ENGAGED!! WHOOP WHOOP!
I know, that was quick. But when you know, you know.
P.S the team is pretty cool. We are killing it in the office and I even went out a few times. I took Lilly with me for protection lol.
Dear Diary,
This move didn’t turn out too bad. My mother and father are coming down this weekend to meet the mystery woman that has been making me so happy. They haven’t met her yet. Can’t wait to see their face when they see she’s white.