A person unexpectedly falls in love with their best friend.

How will they navigate this newfound feeling and the impact it may have on their friendship?

The Devil You Know

Dave could hear Kimberly yelling from the kitchen. He couldn't tell if she was mad or just being her loud ass self. Dave nodded at his friend Chris.

“What has she gotten herself into now?” Chris shook his head.

Dave clinked his beer bottle against Chris’ in response. He looked at his beer sadly. It has been a long week. He certainly didn't need Kim’s shit right now. “But this is what we do,” he thought irritated at himself because she had him so wrapped around her freckled little finger.

“Everything all right in here?” Dave’s deep voice cut through the crowded kitchen. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see what was going on.

Dave’s jaw set. Kim had definitely been crying. Her green eyes met his and more tears swelled in her eyes. He took off his Carhart flannel, walking towards Kim.

Dave wrapped the flannel around Kim’s bare freckled shoulders. “Let’s bounce, K. I'm beat anyway.”

He was surprised when she leaned into his chest and agreed to go on the first try.

Dave walked Kim to his truck. He opened the door and she hopped in. He noticed she moved towards the middle. “What in the hell happened?” he wondered thinking about how Kim normally adjusted everything in his truck when she got in. He told her it drove him crazy, but secretly he enjoyed their little routine. He found himself doing it when she wasn't even with him. Right now he was really worried about her. He started to walk around to his side of the truck, but he'd never in their whole lives (and they’d been married since preschool) saw her like this.

Dave opened her door again and pulled some things from behind the seat. Kim barely even noticed. He opened the tailgate and threw in a sleeping pad and blanket. He walked back to her side and said, “Kim, come here.” She looked at his face, but the normal sparkle in her eye was gone. She scooted towards the door and wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and took her to the back of the truck. She crawled from the tailgate and fixed a place for them to sit. He jumped into the back and sat next to her.

“Wanna talk about it yet?” he asked quietly.

“Nope,” she said.

Dave sat back against the truck and pulled her against him. She put her legs over his and leaned into his chest. He had no idea how long they sat like this. He could people leaving the party acting like drunk idiots.

Dave finally whispered, “its time, K. Talk to me. we will figure whatever it is out. We always do.”

Kim started to speak with her voice shaking.

“Mmmy muh my my mom called. My grandfather is in jail for financial crimes. She didn't want to talk about it more on the phone.”

Now Dave understood why Kim was so upset. Her grandpa was her hero. She absolutely adored him and wanted to be a financial guru just like him.

Dave said, “It could be a mistake. Let’s head to your house to find out what is going on.”

“I don't deserve you Dave,” she said.

Normally I’d pretend to gush over her affection, but tonight was different. “Darlin’ you know you deserve the world. You are special and put on this earth to do great things with that firey red hair of yours.”

That seemed to draw attention to the fact that he had been playing with strands of her curly red hair of over an hour.

“I should stop,” he thought ignoring himself.

Kim relaxed into him more. “I thought you were over all of my antics. You have been so quiet lately.”

“I hate that douche that you are dating. You can't even see how special you…” Dave stopped himself. “Now isn't the time to get into that, Kay.”

Kay looked up and kissed Dave on the cheek.

Dave froze. She'd done this a million times, but this time he could feel the heat from her lips lingering on his cheek.

Dave instinctively moved to look her in the eyes. She was still looking up at him. It happened so fast. He didn't know if he leaned in or she leaned in, but in an instant they were kissing. After 24 years as friends something shifted and at the exact time she needed him the most.

Dave getting his wits about him said, “I am sorry. Not that it happened but the time was really…” Kim was kissing me again. Softly. She placed soft kisses all over my forehead and cheeks. In that moment, I saw my forever in a freckled, red headed woman’s green eyes.

Dave grinned to himself thinking, “I never expected it to be the devil I knew.”

Dave said, “Let’s go, Kay. And no matter what happens, I’ll be right here. Come hell or high water, woman, I’ve got you.”

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