The Love Story That Never Was

“Im not going back, i wanna leave”

I shout at my father, trying to free my wrists from his tight grip

“I don’t care.” “If you keep acting up I will slap you infront of everyone do you want that!?!”

He began to drag (more like yank)me back to the dinner room.

“let go of me” i shouted back trying to sound sturn, yet st this pinhi was hyperventilating. This can’t be my fate, marrying a guy i barely knew just because my dad wants more paper in his wallet. Im supposed to have a trope, a love story that melts peoples hearts.

“Alight wait!”

“What if he is nice to you? What if he gives you freedom? Lets you work!?! What if he lets you be dramatic and puts up with your stupidity? What if you guys fall inlove!?”

I paused… i hadn’t thought of that, maybe hes right

Maybe that trope im craving can still happen even if i sign the paper. Ive read so many book where it has.

“I didn’t think about that” i mumble teying to calm myself down and finally being able to realse my wrists

“Yh well you don’t think about anything, its why im marrying you off. So your stupidity doesn’t ruin the family image”

Reality hits me again.

If i was a girl in a book this would be so easy…

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