Write a short story or paragraph in passive voice only.

The passive voice places emphasis on the thing rather than the person doing the thing: e.g. “The book was read” rather than “She read the book”.

Head Ringer

Rain droplets crashed against his face.

“ Why did you bring me here?”

The hooded figure looked up. They gazed into each others eyes.

“ I figured I would get you as close to heaven as I could. Before I sent you to hell.”

They were miles in the air. On top of the tallest building of Silicon City. A beaming metropolis of tomorrow. The stranger stood up and looked out onto the city. The bustling light shone dimly against it’s face. They were so high up that the lights themselves could barely reach them through the fog below. The city was expansive and reached farther than the eye could see. Even from atop the tallest building one could not see the entire city. However, in that moment, it was just them. The thick fog that covered the city reduced their visibility to just the tower top. It seemed as if this place was all there was. Nothing beyond except a dark fog.

The hooded figure turned back around with an in-human grin. Cybernetic teeth and dim green eyes.

“This is where our game ends! Here below the very heavens! I will make my sins known to God Himself!”

“ You are batshit insane!”

“ Sanity has no place in a world without limits!”

They stared each other down for a moment. They knew what was going to come next.

A single shot rings out. A single case bounces in the rain covered floor. The hooded figure falls to their knees. Looking up one last time, they never let go of their grin.

The figure pulls out a detonator. Several more shots are put into the figure. They do not even flinch. With a wicked grin the figure pushes the detonator.

The gleaming tower of silicon city was lain to ruin.

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