Image by Dan Meyers @ Unsplash

"We were in love here". Write the story of how your protagonist ended up painting this here.

We Were In Love Here.

Frankie had been looking at the clock on her computer screen all day, time passing slower than usual. She had set to meet up with her highschool crush. She wanted closure, once having thought he had never noticed her. High school being so frivolous when it came to who you could be friends or not. Once the time marked five on the dot, she had her things packed, she flew down the stairs too impatient to wait for the elevator. David had been thinking about Frankie since they graduated. The girl he was in love with since he first saw her in his chemistry class, she was like a bright summer day to look at, smartest girl in class, and his tutor. She tutored him every Friday after school but never had the guts to ask her out. He was an athlete and she was ‘not cool’ according to his friends. He had been very stupid to be guided by his friends opinions, friends that completely disappeared as soon as school ended. Frankie had received an Instagram message from David asking for her number. She reluctantly gave him her number hoping it wasn’t some kind of prank. She wrote her number out, staring at her thumb hovering over the send button, when she pressed it and released a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. David sent her a text as soon as Frankie sent him her number. They started texting and then talking for weeks they reconnected with no bitterness from the past, they started what had always been underneath all their interactions. They set to meet at their old library on Friday, but when they both arrived they found the place to be abandoned, it was missing windows and there was graffiti all over the place. When Frankie arrived at the ruins of their weekly meeting place she was tempted in turning around and leaving but, she had never been a coward, so she decided to walk inside. Stepping inside, she looked at the place carefully noticing that it was missing the bookshelves that used to line the walls, yet their musty smell lingered. She turned into the last room , their room and there he was taller than she remembered but still as handsome as she knew him to be. While David was waiting, nervous that she might see the place and run, there were spray cans littering the place. Looking around feeling nostalgia for a place he secretly loved going to in his past. He grabbed a spray bottle and wrote “we were in love here” right at the spot they used to sit, suddenly he heard slow footsteps. David turned and stood to see Frankie, she was even more stunning than he remembered, she was looking at him wide eyed and ran over to hug him tightly. She turned over without saying a word to him grabbed the can from his hand and sprayed “F+D”.
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