Secondly Placed

“Runner up, Duncan Morgan.”

I put on a smile and walked confidently up onto the stage. I shook the judge’s hand as I thanked him as I accepted the small trophy.

“Duncan, we’d like to interview you for our dance studio newsletter.”

Duncan required all the restraint he could muster not to roll his eyes.

“Oh but Jeremy won first place, why don’t you just feature him in the newsletter?”

“That’s the thing. Both Runner up and First place from our dance studio. We would like you two featured together.”

Duncan had no restraint left in him and rolled his eyes, then closed them.

“Duncan, are you alright?”

“…Yes, I’m fine. Sure, when and where are we doing the interview?”

“Meeting room 2 in 10 minutes.”



Duncan was already in Meeting room 2. He heard the knock then the voice that called out his name and he looked up from his seat and cast his eyes towards the entrance of the room.


“Hi. Um, can I come in?”

“Of course you can.”

“Thanks. Oh and um, congratulations, Duncan.”

“Thank you. Same to you, Jeremy. In fact, more to you Jeremy. First place. Impressive.”

Jeremy shuffled his feet.

“Jeremy, don’t do that.”


“Stop shuffling your feet around. You just won a dance competition. Stand confidently with good posture.”

Jeremy blushed.

“I.. I guess I’m not used to this.”

Duncan gave a wry smile.

“Well I think you should practice getting used to it.. It’s likely to happen more often from now on.

Duncan bit his lower lip.

< …Such as coming second, for me. This is something completely new to me. >

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