Two people collide in a bookstore while searching for the same obscure book that has meaning to both their lives.

Write a poem or story centring on this scenario.


i often wonder how our story will be told

if we had met differently

would we grow old

together, or become the friendliest enemies

if we were the same age

or from the same town

sat next to each other in the cinema

or walked our dogs on the same lawn

we could have met at the bookstore

reaching out for the same spines

have you ever wondered how beautiful it is

to call those liminal spaces “spines”?

you must have

because i have too

you would’ve been very polite

and let me inspect it first

would you have tried to steal a glance at the pages

or the creases of my shirt?

if i was about to take away the last copy

would you follow me to the till?

would you be able to tell your story

or keep your silence still?

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