Revenge at last

“Pain. Food. Sleep. Repeat. Is that all life is?,”

Barked the severely malnourished and life deprived creature.

“QUIET! I don’t want as much as another peep out of you dexter!”

A young, bulky woman belches as she kicks a sickly old dog out into the rain. The dog struggled to get back on all fours, but the woman didn’t care to wait. She hastily slammed the door. He only sought out a life away from the cage and utterly monotonous path his owner, Loraine, willingly chose for him. There was nothing he wanted more than pure freedom. He was a terrier and noticed that humans lusted to be his owner. But that’s about the only thing he’s been able to make sense of his world. It seemed like decades ago that he was a star, appearing in countless pageants and other prestigious activities. He had it all, the looks, the wits, the money, and the treats. But the one the thing he never could dream of getting hold of was his owners approval. Dexter was young and had an endless amount of energy just waiting to be tapped into, but now dexter’s barely able to complete the trite tasks that his owner requires of him. A car same by with blindingly bright lights, leaving him blinded and dazed for longer than he should’ve been. Out of the corner of his eye he spots a dark figure coming closer and closer.

“Why does it matter of this guy gets me. I’ve had it good enough. This isn’t the ideal place to go, but at least I’ll meet my owner in hell.”

Dexter continued to think. The figure stopped in its tracks.

“You’ve met a tragic fate, haven’t you?”

Dexter started to squirm as if frightened by the presence of this being. But he found he couldn’t move, yet he was becoming strangely relaxed.

“I’ve never met a creature of your kind bred to be so... so spiteful... It’s quite interesting,”

No human had ever been able to notice dexters genuine personality traits. But for all he knew it could just be another stranger like the ones on the stage studying him.

“I’ve seen fates much worse but none quite as well timed as yours.”

The figure revealed itself to have a paper white complexion. His eye sockets were empty and he was wearing a hood. “I have a human body that needs to be tested and your soul is a perfect fit. I shall grant you an eternity in paradise if you follow my exact instructions. If you fail, your soul will return to purgatory.”

The man placed his skeletal hand over dexters nearly lifeless body. The moon began steadily moving out of sight. The sky began to lighten. As the man began to fade away he said his instructions.

“Kill. Your. Master.”

Dexter got up and walked on two feet back to his owner. He rang the doorbell. As she answered he sank his teeth into her neck

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