The Hunger Games

I watched my sword fall, I had a 3 minute wave before more mutts came. I saw the drones circling the sky, getting angles of the fight—and what was coming.

I whistled to alert the others. Soon enough, Peeta ran, Johanna, and Finnick.

“Mutts!” I yelled.

We all ran towards our weapons. My extra arrows sat on the ground.

I felt like wind rustling, it was _almost_ time.

“Katniss!” Peeta called out.

I ran up and hugged him, “There are mutts coming from the lightening strike. We’re farthest from the lightening strike, but we’re at the finale.”

“It’s going to be okay,” Peeta said, examining my face.

“Sorry to interrupt you two love birds but we have 1 minute left.” Johanna pointed to the timer reflected on the rock.

“Let’s do this!” Finnick yelled.

All of us had our weapons ready. We all counted, “5….4…..3…2…1.”

My stomach was grumbling but had no time to focus on anything other than fighting.

“Left!” Peeta yelled.

Mutts came from the left. I shot my bow and arrow, killing 3 mutts.

I heard Johanna Yell—in a way that sounded similar to a Growl.

“There’s too many, let’s get to higher land.”

Peeta watched my back and Finnick got me up on a rock, then Johanna.

Once we all got one I realized, _THEY CANT CLIMB! _

_ _ One or 2 may have got up, but we killed them. Soon or later they’d be up. __

_ (Let me know if you want a part 2)_

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