
She shooed me. Like with a wave of her hand today.. without even looking up though. No smile, no explanation just a shoo. Like swatting a fly or brushing lint off her shirt. I was stupefied. Like how unimportant to you am I exactly?? And then when I walked away confused, angry.. HURT.. with a bewildered look on my face, she texted that I’m too sensitive. That I took it overboard. Cause apparently she’s “so over me on so many levels” and I don’t acknowledge when I’m wrong and she “LOATHES” that about me..

Sometimes people pretend you’re a bad person (or wrong) so they don’t feel bad for how they treated you. Instead of acknowledging that they’re lost in their own world, PMSing, angry over a previous situation, frustrated with life, grieving… WHATEVER.. they turn it around on you.. NEVER apologizing but instead treating you like you deserve the treatment they’ve given.

I recognize WHOLEHEARTEDLY that people are living their own complex existences and sometimes their actions/words are more a reflection of that than any situation that you are momentarily in with them. SONDER however, is the realization of that.. and that’s where it gets tricky friends.

See I’m one of those rare folk who pays attention to the feelings of others around me as much as my own. ESPECIALLY THE ONES I CLAIM TO LOVE. I Understand that my actions/words have the power to affect someone else and I only want that to be in a positive way because LOVE and HUMANITY and KARMA .. you know ALL THE THINGS.. while many have no awareness of sonder AT ALL.. awareness or concern. Some people are clueless and others simply don’t care. And that’s the world we live in.. I extend Grace where I can (and many times when the world says I should be way past my limit if I’m honest) knowing that folk are doing the best they can with their focus on so many things.. after all eggs are $8.. there’s plenty to worry about..

But can I remind you as we wrap up this first week of 2023 that you don’t have to TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE.. you know you’re worth. Unfortunately, avoiding confrontation to keep the peace by not speaking up for yourself went out with the 90’s.. PEOPLING in many cases is A GRUELING TASK.. and most care more about themselves than ANYONE OR THING ON THIS PLANET. And while I truly respect self-preservation and self-care, I scratch my head at people who can be so carelessly cruel or even indifferent.. because HUMANITY.. THAT my friends is what should’ve gone out with the 90’s. Disrespect is not your plight.

Take a minute and look at the way you treat the people you claim to love. If it isn’t like you would treat yourself, do them a favor and let them go.. they don’t mean enough to you.

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