The Undesirable Monster

“I don’t know how to stop loving you,” she said, as she locked her eyes into mine.

“Just stop,” I said sharply and with no following statements.

“You think it’s easy, each night when my eyes close and my body relaxes, you are the only thing keeping me awake, and when I finally get a chance to sleep, I dream of you, and it’s torture. Not having you close makes my whole life senseless and painful. You’re the drug I want to consume, and become addicted to you, having you close to my skin, your lips touching mine. I fuckign desire you. Why can’t you understand that?”

“But I don’t desire you Lana, I’m not in love with you and I will never will, again. I despise everything about you. The only time I think of you is when I’m trying to find a way to get rid of you, you are the uncomfortable tiny rock on my shoes. And every time I pity you, you always find a way to make the matter worse.”

“Why the sudden change, you used to beg for my attention, you used to do crazy stuff for me, why am I not deserving of you anymore?”

“Don’t you remember which time, I walked to you’re home and asked you to go out you rejected me, I used to beg you to give me a chance, my whole life was about you, but you rejected me over, and over, and I was willing to continue and not give up, but you, you monster destroyed me, you killed the innocence from me, you paid someone to hurt me and leave me to die, in the trash. If it wasn’t because of Carmen I would have died. And since then I swore to never love you again or even talk to you again.”



“You’re dead to me Lana, you’re lucky I will not destroy your life, so stay away from me.”

“Either way you're only here because of my fortune, I guess money really makes people miserable.”

“Bye Lana, have a good life.”

“No Petro…” Was the last thing I ever heard from Lana, and thanks it all ended then.”

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