
I know what they expect. I know what they want me to do. A well-bred lady such as myself should find the choice to never let that woman darken my doorway ever again as easy as breathing.

But I can barely breathe as I think of turning her out, of turning her away. She’s the strongest woman I have ever known but my rejection of her would destroy her and send her to perdition.

No matter that there are those who think she belongs there. For playing the merry widow after the death of my poor dear brother Charles. For stealing the man betrothed to her very own sister. For causing my darling husband Ashley’s heart to be cleft in two, even if he will never leave me and our son for her.

Because I know something he does not know. I am not even sure she realizes it herself. She does not truly love my husband. She loves the ideal and idea of him. She does not know the real him or perhaps she will not allow herself to really see.

That she is more a man than he will ever be. With more courage and determination and love in her heart than I have ever known. All of these things she showed when she saved me and the most precious of all things to me, my boy, Beau.

The hour for Ashley’s party is upon me and I will put on my widest, truest smile for her, my dear Scarlett, and society be damned!

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