Write a poem exploring feelings of contentment and satisfaction.

While a large portion of poetry deals with difficult emotions; consider how you can express the opposite side of that.

Being Satisfied And Content.

What is like to be content?

It is having the peace of mind, rather a quiet mind where your thoughts are clear and not off the tracks.

It is being happy and with those who you love the most and hold close to you.

It is being free and not controlled by the people around you.

It is being there wherever you may be and feeling comfortable in the skin you wear.

So what is satisfaction?

Satisfaction is being satisfied with what you have, not needing anything else but the animals or people around you.

It is feeling satisfied whether that is by eating enough food to make you feel satisfied. Or doing a job you thought you once couldn’t do but now can.

Satisfaction and contentment, both have different meanings but they are similar to one another.

Being satisfied and content to be in your own company is what you need.

It’s not as easy as I say it is, I know but once you master these feelings and truly be content than you will be satisfied with what you have.
