by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a children's story inspired by this image. Think about the language and themes used for younger audiences (you can add a hidden adult theme if you like!)

What In The Shark?

“Alright everyone! Remember to always stay with your assigned marine buddy!” Ms. Borough seemed a bit overwhelmed as she reminded us for the second time to stay with our class trip buddies. But how could she think that bringing us to ‘Aquamarine Pond’ not make us go crazy with excitement? We’ve been planning this class trip since two months now! For two whole months she had the entire class drooling over this trip, and now that we’re here she wants us to take it easy? Tracy had been dying to see the big fish tank. Marcus wanted to try shaking hands or tentacles with an octopus. Benny wanted to pet the starfish and squeeze a jellyfish. And me? I just wanna see the sharks. I like sharks, though I wonder how it would be to brush that many teeth. Did you know that sharks must always keep swimming? My older brother Maxwell has a cool poster in his room of the movie ‘Jaws’. I can’t wait to be old enough to watch that movie. It is going to be cool! My aunt Nora let me watch an undersea documentary about sharks. I’m not supposed to let mother know I watched it. “Your mother would hang me out to dry if she only knew.”, aunt Nora said How could mother hang aunt Nora out to dry? Aunt Nora won’t explain to me what that means. “You’ll see if my sis ever finds out.” She added. Did you know that sharks don’t have bones? I think they have cartridges. Yeah, cartridges! Cool huh? Sharks are cool. Today I wore my ‘shark days’ T-shirt. It’s one of my favourite T-shirts. I even brought my polaroid camera to take pictures. These photos are gonna look so good when I add them to my Jaws scrapbook. “Ahhh!!! It stung me!! Ms. Borough, the jellyfish stung me!!” Benny’s screaming had scared me and I think the shark I was looking at heard him too. Now Ms. Borough is going to start that high squeaky sound she always does when something goes wrong. “Let’s take a break now get some lunch, and get Benny’s hand dressed and decide whether or not we should continue this trip.” Great. Now I think that Ms. Borough won’t want us continuing the trip. I don’t know why is Benny making such a loud scream, had he been bitten by a shark, he wouldn’t have had the chance to scream. I hope they have something cool at the food court. Maybe shark shaped sandwiches? Did I mention before that I like sharks?
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