Black and White, and a Little Blue

it was saturday, saturday’s were the days sarah went to the local park.

well, she used to.

she used to go every saturday, until she met this boy. he took up all her time, and she never noticed.

everyday he would text her, call her, visit her. at first, it was nice.. but it got annoying and a lot to deal with for her.

all of a sudden.. he stopped. he stopped calling. he stopped texting. he stopped visiting her. he blocked her on everything, every social media app.

that’s when she found out he had cheated on her. that day, her world turned black and white.

2 months have passed since then, she has gotten over it, yet everything is still in black in white.

she decided, for a change, to go to the park again.

so, on saturday, she went to the park. she brought her notepad and pencil, not bothering to bring any colors. she always used to draw when she went before, when her life was still in color.

she sat down in the patch of grass she always used to sit at, she got out her notepad, scanning over all the previous drawings she had drew.

she chose a tree to draw, making sure to make her drawing perfect. she was so busy she didn’t notice a group of guys enter the park, but one boy did.

he had blonde hair and blue eyes, his blue eyes were like two small oceans. you could get lost in them easily.

the group of boys decided to play football, but the blonde boy chose to sit and watch sarah from afar.

the blonde boy didn’t take his eyes off sarah.

the blonde boy joined his friends and started to play football, still looking at sarah every chance he got.

one of the boys had threw the ball too far, the ball had landed right next to sarah.

the blonde boy jogged over to sarah, his heart beating fast, but making sure he was calm while talking to her.

“sorry about that, my friend sucks at throwing”

sarah looks up at the boy, laughing slightly at what he said

“oh.. it’s fine, don’t worry”

sarah went back to drawing for a second before looking up again, noticing his blue eyes. she feels her heart beat quicker, he was beautiful to her.

“what’s your name?”

“tyler. yours?”

“mines sarah, i’ve never seen you around.. did you move here recently?”

“oh, yeah, i just moved here from colorado, my family wanted to give city life a try”

the boy threw the ball to his friends and sat next to her, they clicked instantly. neither of them had ever met someone they both connected with so easily, and loved so much.

sarah would stare into his ocean blue eyes, getting lost in them as they spoke.

every time they spoke she would, even when he was reading his vows.

sarah stood in front of tyler, at the alter, her eyes full of tears of joy as she stared into his blue eyes as he read his vows to her, the flower in his suit and the flower on her veil matching his eyes.

her world was no longer black and white.

(this is my first story😣 idk if i was too descriptive or not)

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