The Game That Never Ended

“Draw two!” My brother exclaimed as he slapped the card down on the pile. I smiled behind the two cards I held in front of my face. “Not today punk!” I said as I slapped my draw to card down on the pile “Draw Four!”

“You should learn to respect your elders.” Uncle Carl slipped his card on the pile, “Draw Six.”

“Oh snap. Somebody’s going to draw but it isn’t going to be me!” My little sister Ann taunted as she dropped her card on the pile.

I laughed, “Draw eight brother dear.” Ann was barely containing her giggles, and even Uncle Carl was smiling. He almost never smiled. Brian glared at us.

“Well go ahead,” said Uncle Carl.

Brian had to be holding at least twenty cards. The game had not been going his way.

“You started this Brian, so draw.” I said. Instead, he threw his cards on the table, as he stood up and his chair toppled to the side.

“Way to be dramatic Bri.” Ann rolled her eyes, “you’re such a poor sport.”

“You guys suck and you cheat!” He stomped off, and a moment later his door slammed.

“He always does this, I don’t know why we bother,” I said. Uncle Carl started gathering up the cards.

Static seemed to fill the air, and lightning cracked outside. We were all back sitting in our seats holding cards. I looked around the table. I looked around the table, my siblings and my uncle were wearing identical expressions of shock and fear. My brother slapped the draw two card down again and shouted “Draw two.” His voice cracked this time, and as I looked at him he mouthed “what is going on?”

I started to shake my head and say I don’t know, as I felt my hand move of it’s own accord and the words “not today punk” forced out of my mouth. The game continued to play out exactly as before.

This time after Brian stomped off and slammed his door. Uncle Carl, Anne, and I just sat staring at each other in shock. I turned as I heard my brother’s footsteps coming back down the hallway. The static started filling the air, and the lightning cracked outside.

The game repeated, and repeated, and repeated. This was hell.

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