The Special Engagement Celebration

The smell of freshly cut grass passes through the air. A banner that read congratulations Kate and Harrison hung between two trees. Tables set to seat six at a table with flower centerpieces. Party lights strung between trees and tea candles on tables illuminated the area. People dressed in black and white suits walk around offering drinks to the guests. The sound of chattering can be heard amongst all the guests. Sounds of congratulations to the bride and groom. The sound of a knife being tapped against a glass cuts through the chatter. People turn to the sound to see the father of the bride. “I’d like to make a toast to the bride and groom.” he started “When Kate brought home Harrison I didn’t like him. I thought who is this man that is trying to steal my baby girl from me but then I saw how they cared for each other and decided that this guy isn’t so bad, he loves her and takes care of her so he’s perfect for her. Now I look at them and I say I am happy to call you my son in law.” Cheers erupted from within the crowd. Following many people said nice words to the soon to be newlyweds. Hours later as the sky darkened and time passed many guests began to leave, passing the bride and groom to say a final good bye till the wedding.

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