The Wake Ends

Capricorn addressed the room. "This evening, we bid farewell to sweet Cancer, Sergio M, and we look forward to the day when we may see him again, face to face. No one can take his place, but we will find one to assume his mantle. Please enjoy the food, music, and dance, that we may celebrate his life."

Libra smiled, and turned to Juan. "When I first joined, it always felt like this when we were together. It was like falling in love. The colors were brighter, the people were better looking, the jokes were funnier. Aquarius was the leader, like Prince Charming. Leo and Taurus had such incredible camaraderie, I thought that's what I would have too."

"It doesn't feel like that anymore?" Juan asked.

She shook her head. "It doesn't. Every day is a tightrope walk between certain doom on one side and uncertain danger on the other."

They watched Pisces and her husband dancing. The couple seemed at peace, resting together in each other's arms while still moving. Libra turned to Juan and said, "I don't know how they do it."

"Do what?" He asked.

"He's a regular guy, not magical at all. We're like gods on earth. My ex never got what my job was, or what it meant to me." Libra sniffed.

Juan offered, "maybe that's the appeal, someone she can come home to and just be a regular person with. We all need a counterbalance."

Libra looked him in the eye. "You were married before right?"

He answered, "I was, I lost her seven years ago. Her name was Ingrid."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I was married for a long time. My ex isn't in magic, just a woodworker in Golgonozza. It didn't work out."

"No kids?" He asked.

"None." She pursed her lips."

"Me neither." Juan nodded.

Libra leaned forward. "Tell me about Ingrid," she said eagerly.

"I really don't talk about her much," said Juan, squirming.

"Come on," she wheedled. "We're going to be spending a lot of time together getting your father. We might as well get to know each other. Pretend I'm your counselor."

"I don't do counseling." Juan backed away.

"Let's hear it." Libra demanded.

"She ... didn't expect anything of me." Juan said. "When I was with her, I didn't have to be a weapon. I didn't need to be the most powerful wizard, astonishing everyone with my feats of bravery or intellect. I could just be Juan, and I miss that."

Libra sat back, wincing. "Gemini, I'm starting to detect a lot of resentment you have toward your role here. You spent half your life becoming what you are, and you're mad that's how we see you?"

Juan felt irritated, like the moment was spoiled. He snapped. "What would have happened if I hadn't beaten the pillars?"

"You'd be in prison and Bucephalus would be dead." Lines replied coldly. "I don't second guess myself."

Juan shot back. "You're not embarrassed of that, seeing what an incredible mind he has and how gentle his spirit is?"

Libra smirked. "It would have been a tremendous loss for everyone and I'm happy things worked out as they did. But I'd kill a thousand Bucephalus' to protect this realm and safeguard our future. You'll see it my way in time."

Juan rose to leave. "It's hard to trust you."

Libra winked at him. "You shouldn't."

Juan left the auditorium. The rush of night air cooled and refreshed him. He headed for his quarters.

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