Compose a poem centred around the theme of love languages.

Love languages refer to the ways in which we express and feel love.

Same Love, Different Dialect

He is sitting at his desk, book open.

“I love you,” I say, kissing him on the cheek.

He grunts, turns a page, and I laugh.

“I’m headed to the store,” I say,

And head down to the garage.

I start the car and smile

At the full tank of gas and a clean windshield.

He comes up to bed and slips in.

I roll over, and curl up against him.

“You smell good,” I mumble.

He wraps his arm around me,

Kisses my head and begins to snore.

His words aren’t my words of love,

But then a card comes in the mail,

Or there are always flowers

That are changed out every Friday.

Or the new light bubs magically appear

And the A/C filters are always clean

As are the dishes left from dinner.

It’s a special kind of language,

The one that settles, comforts,

And hold special meaning

That doesn’t really need words.

Love is love in many languages.

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