Submitted by Freddie

Life Without You

Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.

Found in You

Lightless, lifeless, melancholy of melancholies

The very air I breathe a fading mist.

What is life apart from you?

Your breath awakens my soul

The tender touch of your hands on my heart

Life is on your tongue, dancing in your eyes

Purpose flows from your veins

Without you I could not be

You’re my home my victory

I remember the moment I first saw your face

It stole my breath

My heart shattered

I’d wanted to run, but you promised to remain

Never leaving

Nothing seeking

But my heart

The fellowship of my being

Your one desire

My hope transpired

Belief arose

Piece by piece

Moment by moment

In finding you I found myself

Homeless, home

Orphan became your own

Precious in your sight

Not by my move or motive

Your simple delight

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