Write a story where the central theme is kindness.

Sharing Happiness

I think the craziest thing about being happy is that as soon as you receive it you want to give it away. There’s seldom a time when you are so happy you want to keep it for yourself. I felt that way with my ex-girlfriend and as cruel as I felt she was, she taught me that.

The train sped up as it left the platform, I just found a job and although it was a modest minimum wage job. It made me happy, it made me think of what my mother used to tell me ‘it all starts with baby steps,’ and this is how I’ll always remember it. And that’s what this was, ‘baby steps.’ Greatest thing about it though is that I could wake up every day without the worry of when I’ll be able to afford my rent or phone bill and I had the peace of mind of having my values in check. I was content, what else could I want! If I couldn’t be happy now. I’d never be happy.

‘Change please sir?’ The sign screamed out from the cardboard that the man held. No one seemed to listen as he walked through the train carriage. I pulled a two pound coin out my pocket and a wrapped up croissant I planned on eating for dinner.

“Hey,” I said gently tapping him on his arm.

A smile.

“Here, I’m Andy by the way,” I said to him handing him a croissant and a two pound coin.

The smile grew wider and the man mouthed a thank you from his lips. His beanie hat and scraggly hair blocking out most of his appearance.

I was happy today. So I guess I just had to share it.

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